The 7 Best Substitutes For Onion Powder

The world is full of delicious food. But there are times when we find ourselves in need of a substitute for an ingredient that just isn’t available to us.

Onion powder is one such ingredient. It’s the dehydrated and ground form of onions, and it’s used as a seasoning in many different dishes.

However, people who have allergies or sensitivities to onions may not be able to use onion powder simply because they’re allergic to them. In this case, they might be looking for ways around using onion powder in their cooking.

But what are some good substitutes for onion powder? In this article, I’ll tell you about some great options that you can use instead!

The 7 Best Substitutes For Onion Powder

#1 Garlic Powder

Garlic powder is made from dehydrated garlic cloves. It has a more concentrated flavor than fresh garlic, so you only need to use a little bit to get the same effect as fresh. It’s great for seasoning soups and stews, and it’s also great for making things like meatloaf or gravies taste extra garlicky.

It comes in both granulated and powdered versions—the latter is ground more finely than the former. As far as flavor goes, they’re pretty much interchangeable; it just depends on which texture you prefer!

#2 Onion Flakes

Onion flakes are small pieces of dried onion that have been cut into thin strips and then dried out even further so they can be stored for long periods of time without spoiling easily or going bad quickly from humidity since there’s no moisture left inside those cells anymore (which would cause them to rot faster).

They’re great for making onion soup taste even better without having to chop up fresh onions yourself first before making it—just throw some onion flakes into your pot with diced carrots too (or any other veggies too!)

#3 Chives

Chives are a great substitute for onion powder because they have the same distinct, sharp taste. They’re also more versatile than onion powder because you can use them in many different recipes. They make a great addition to soups, stews, and sauces. You can also add them to mashed potatoes or salads to give them extra flavor.

#4 Shallots

Shallots are also a great option for onion powder if you don’t have any on hand. They have a similar flavor profile, but they have even more depth of flavor than chives do.

They’re best used in dishes that need an extra kick of flavor like sauces or soups because they tend to be very overpowering if added straight into the dish itself (as opposed to being added at the end).

#5 Leeks

If you’re looking for a way to add some onion flavor without the pungency of onion powder, try leeks. Just like onions, leeks are an essential component of many soups, stews and sauces, but they have a mellow flavor that can help you sneak in more veggies without anyone realizing it!

Leeks also contain more vitamin A than onions and garlic, so they’re great for your immune system. They’re also packed with antioxidants, which can help prevent cancer and heart disease.

#6 Scallions

Scallions (aka green onions) are milder than regular onions, so they’re often used in Chinese cooking—especially in stir-fries. You can use them anywhere you’d normally use regular onions or garlic—they’re perfect for salads! Just chop them up and toss them in as a garnish on top of your favorite salad recipe!

#7 Garlic salt

Garlic salt is a fantastic substitute for onion powder because it has the same flavor profile but without all of the pungency associated with raw garlic cloves—which means no more overpowering flavors that might not go over well with your guests!

If you’re looking for something more subtle than using straight-up garlic salt then try adding paprika and cayenne pepper instead—it’ll still give your dish some kick without burning out your tastebuds!


The substitutes for onion powder that we’ve shared with you today are all great options for when you don’t have onion powder on hand. From garlic salt to dried minced onions, there are so many ways that you can use these substitutes to get the flavor of onion powder in your recipes.

We hope that these tips have been helpful and that you’ll be able to use them when you’re cooking or baking in the future!

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